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MICKEY 17 - V. O.
MICKEY 17 - V. O.

Durata: 139 min

Genere: Fantastico

Lingua: Inglese

Regia: B. Joon Ho

Con: R. Pattinson, N. Ackie, S. Yeun

Adapted from the novel Mickey7 by Edward Ashton, this stars Robert Pattinson as an "expendable" - a disposable crew member on a space mission, selected for dangerous tasks because he can be renewed if his body dies, with his memories largely intact. With one regeneration, though, things go very wrong.

139 min

Genere: Fantastico

Lingua: Inglese

Regia: B. Joon Ho

Con: R. Pattinson, N. Ackie, S. Yeun

Adapted from the novel Mickey7 by Edward Ashton, this stars Robert Pattinson as an "expendable" - a disposable crew member on a space mission, selected for dangerous tasks because he can be renewed if his body dies, with his memories largely intact. With one regeneration, though, things go very wrong.
Giovedì 13/03/2025
City - Genova
Domenica 16/03/2025
City - Genova
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